So why did Congress come up with a plan that increased rates on the under 30 crowd significantly more than those that are 50 and up?
Still waiting on a good answer to that one, along with a lot of other questions.
Less than 64% of employees under 30 working for large companies sign up for health insurance when it is offered by their employer, compared with at least 76% of all employees over 30, according to a new report by benefits administrator ADP. And Americans ages 18 to 34 are the least likely of any age group to be insured:MarketWatch
I see no reason why Obamacare rates and benefits is going to change any of this, and the nominal penalties (greater of 1% of income or $95) certainly won't strike fear in the hearts of these young "adults".
As much as 70% of a company’s workforce doesn’t use any health coverage at all in a year, Ryan says, but insurance plans still need their contributions to pay for those who use more.Not surprising.
Stats similar to this have been around for a long time. Which of course leads to the argument, "Why should I pay for something I never use?".
Anyone who has been around a while can answer that, but trying to tell the young, invincible crowd they need to buy health insurance is an uphill battle.
Not my "yob", man.
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