"Everybody has to pay. Nobody ever wins,"
Each player starts out on the "Buy Insurance" square as a small business owner (except for the Occupy Wall Streeters, who begin the game unemployed). Along the way, players are taxed, troubled, hospitalized, or may even fall victim to a death panel as they make their way across the board.CNS News
Do not pass Go.
Do not collect $200.
"We may have added some funny exaggerations in the game," LeFeber said. "But since the original bill was brought to you by the same folks who so efficiently manage the US Postal Service, Social Security Trust Fund, recent Bank Bailouts, and soon-to-be $17,000,000,000,000.00 in government debt--you know the game is rigged against us from the start."Just like real life. You have to play the game to know what is in it.
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